It has been 4 weeks since we raised the frame and it been going great. This week we have been working on getting the building wrapped in preparation for insulation. We use Intello Vaper layer wrap to put the first layer of protection on our houses. They started wrapping the house last Friday and finished it on Monday this week. The window box were put on as well. We also installed 40mm ducting which comes out of the walls on the ground floor runs up the outside of the building to the first floor this allows for services to be run through the house without having to drill through beams ( which is not fun when its an 12 inch beam ).
After finishing the Intello wrap all the seams get sealed with Tescon tape we then started on the rafter feet. This is to catch the soffit and fascia. It also helps with the insulation as we can sit the first run on top of it. The first run of insulation was put on on Thursday and the straight sections were completed that day however, there are some complicated bits of this roof with hips, valleys and the dormer windows being fiddly. Which will take some time to get right.
The guys have been working incredible hard on this house, getting everything they have done completed in the 4 and half weeks that the frame has been up in is an achievement. Next week a team of 2 will be coming back to the yard to make a started on the next big frame (This ones got some pretty awesome braces in it). So get ready for some framing content.